Hearing in Summary Procedure in International Arbitration

May 10, 2023

Hearing in SummaryProcedure in International ArbitrationDiscretionThe sole arbitrator may examine anddecide the case in any manner it deems appropriate, either by holding a hearingwith or without seeking opinions from the disputing parties, or solely based onthe documents and other evidence submitted by the disputing pa…

Answer and Counterclaim in Summary Procedure in International Arbitration

May 09, 2023

Answer andCounterclaim in Summary Procedure in InternationalArbitrationUpon receipt of a notice ofarbitration and other documents, the respondent shall submit an answer and astatement of counterclaim, if any, accompanied by the necessary documents andother evidence, within the time period specified under the arbitration…

Arbitral Tribunal in Summary Procedure in International Arbitration In the case of summary/expedited

May 08, 2023

Arbitral Tribunal in SummaryProcedure in International ArbitrationIn the case of summary/expeditedprocedure, the case will be heard and decided by a sole arbitrator. Theprovisions and rules pertaining to the selection and appointment of a solearbitrator shall also apply to the summary/expedited procedure.

Signature and Seal

May 06, 2023

Signature and Seal An award shall be signed by the arbitrators or sole arbitrator making theaward and sealed by the arbitration commission.A dissenting arbitrator may sign or refuse to sign the award.

Scrutiny of Draft Award in International Arbitration

May 05, 2023

Scrutiny of Draft Award in International ArbitrationIn practice, the arbitral tribunal should not sign an awardbefore its draft is submitted to the arbitration commission for scrutiny. The arbitration commissionmay express opinions or suggest modification on the form or substantive issues ofthe award without affecting t…

Additional Award

May 04, 2023

Additional AwardIf the arbitral tribunal finds that any claim has been presented in thearbitration proceedings but is omitted from the arbitration award, it shallmake an additional award on its own initiative within a reasonable time afterthe award is made.If eitherdisputing party finds that any claimhas been presented …

Interim or Partial Award

May 03, 2023

Interim or Partial Award When certainfacts are established beyond any doubt in an arbitration proceeding, thearbitral tribunal may make an interim or a partial award based on such facts,where necessary, on its own initiative or at the request of either disputingparty. An interim ora partial award is also final and bindi…

Seat of Arbitration

Apr 30, 2023

Seat of Arbitration The seat of arbitration may be agreed upon by the disputing parties. In the absence of such an agreement or their agreement is not clear enoughto determine a specific seat of arbitration, the arbitration proceedings may beconducted at the domicile of the arbitration commission or other placedetermine…
Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…

Steve Li

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…
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China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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