Independence and Impartiality in Renderingan Award in International Arbitration Arbitrationshall serve the purpose of settling disputes in impartial and reasonablemanners based on facts and according to law. Arbitration shall be conductedindependently according to law without being interfered by any administrativeautho…
Majority Opinion in Rendering an Award in InternationalArbitration in China According tothe Arbitration Law of the People’s Republic of China, an arbitration awardshall be made based on the opinions of all the three arbitrators in the case ofa three-arbitrator tribunal. If they cannot reach a majority opinion, the awar…
Record of Hearing in InternationalArbitration a) Transcript orWritten Record The arbitral tribunal shall arrange for preparing atranscript or written record of the hearing. An international arbitral tribunalmay prepare a transcript or summary transcript of the hearing, and the summarytranscript may be signed or sealed …
Nonpublic Proceedings and Confidentiality in InternationalArbitration Arbitrationproceedings shall be conducted in nonpublic manners. If the disputing partiesagree that they may take place in public and no state secrets are involved,they may take place in public with the permission of the arbitral tribunal. If thearbitr…
If a party to an arbitration agreement dies in the case of an individual, or is terminated in the case of an entity, after the conclusion of the arbitration agreement, the arbitration agreement shall be binding on the successor of such party's rights and obligations, unless otherwise agreed by the parties to the arbitra…
a) Claimant’s failure to appearIf a claimant fails to appear at a hearing absent good cause shown after he has been notified in writing by the arbitral tribunal or leaves the arbitration room without the permission of the arbitral tribunal during an on-going hearing, his request for arbitration will be deemed to have b…
In accordancewith The Law of Choice of Law Applicablein International Civil Relations of the People's Republic of China, theparties may make an express choice of the law to govern their internationalcivil relations and their contracts, including arbitration agreements. Wherethe parties choose to apply the law of a forei…
a) Costs and FeesThe costs and fees payable by the disputing parties in arbitration include but are not limited to:(i) arbitration fees charged by the arbitration commission;(ii) reasonable costs and expenses incurred by arbitrators, including but not limited to their special remuneration, out-of-pocket travel and accom…
China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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