Content of an Award in International Arbitration

May 02, 2023

Content of an Award in International Arbitration An award shallset forth the claims, the facts alleged, the grounds upon which the award isbased, the outcome of the arbitration, the apportionment of the arbitrationcosts and fees, the time period for performing the award, and the liabilitiesfor failure to perform within …

Content and Form of a Request for Arbitration

Apr 07, 2023

Filing a request for arbitration,also called application for arbitration or notice of arbitration, is the firststep to initiate an arbitration. A request for arbitration shall contain: (1) the basicinformation of the parties, including the name, sex, age, occupation, employer,and domicile of each party in the case of …

Written Arbitration Agreement

Apr 07, 2023

As a general rule of arbitration, no dispute may bereferred to arbitration without a valid arbitration agreement between thedisputing parties. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that internationalentrepreneurs reach an arbitration agreement when entering into cooperationwith Chinese entities or individuals as litigat…

Applicability of Summary Procedure in International Arbitration

Apr 19, 2023

Summary procedure, also called expedited procedure, small claims procedure, etc., is not restricted in the Arbitration Law or its Interpretations, but is contained in the arbitration rules. It is a procedure for small claims, is a type of arbitration procedure applicable to disputes of limited amounts. Such a limited am…

Vacation of an Award in International Arbitration - Petition for Vacation

Apr 17, 2023

TheArbitration Law states, “Article 58 After an arbitrationcommission makes an award, either party may file a petition for vacation of theaward to the intermediate people's court in the jurisdiction where thearbitration commission is located if the party has evidence to prove that: (1) the award was made inthe abse…

Principal Time Periods in International Arbitration in China

Apr 17, 2023

Abbreviations:CIETAC: China International Economic and TradeArbitration CommissionSHIAC: Shanghai International Economic and TradeArbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center)FTZCA: China (shanghai) Pilot Free Trade ZoneCourt of ArbitrationSCIA: Shenzhen Court of International ArbitrationHIAC: Haina…


Apr 18, 2023

In international arbitration in China, a hearing shall be held unlessthe parties agree not to hold a hearing, in which case the arbitral tribunalmay make an award according to the request for arbitration, the answer, andother submissions. Regardless of whether a hearing will beheld, the arbitral tribunal shall remain im…

Advance Payment of Arbitration Fees and Costs

Apr 18, 2023

A party filingclaims or a counterclaim or making amendments to his claims or counterclaimshould pay the arbitration fees and costs in advance within the time period specifiedin the applicable arbitration rules. If a partyrequests for a set-off of any claim and such request requires the arbitraltribunal to consider addit…
Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…

Steve Li

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…
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China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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