Condition for filing for arbitration In accordance with The Arbitration Law, a disputing party may file a request for arbitration if:(1) both disputing parties have entered into an arbitration agreement;(2) the request for arbitration includes specific claims, the facts alleged, and the grounds on which the claims are…
Abbreviations:CIETAC: China International Economic and TradeArbitration CommissionSHIAC: Shanghai International Economic and TradeArbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center)FTZCA: China (shanghai) Pilot Free Trade ZoneCourt of ArbitrationSCIA: Shenzhen Court of International ArbitrationHIAC: Haina…
Notice of Hearing in SummaryProcedure in International ArbitrationSometimes, adifferent time period for the service of notice of hearing is specified underthe arbitration rules in the case of summary procedure. For example, 7 daysunder the arbitration rules of SHIAC and SCIA, 10 days under the SHIAC FTZArbitration Rules…
As an arbitration award is final andbinding on both disputing parties, it takes effect once it is made. Each partymust abide by the award unless the award is vacated by an intermediate people'scourt of competent jurisdiction upon the petition of either party which hasevidence to prove certain circumstances (See http://w…
Time Period for Submitting a Petition for Vacation of an Award A petition for vacation of an award shallbe submitted within 6 months from the date of receipt of the award. Time Period forMaking an Order for Vacation or Dismissal The people's court that receives a petitionfor vacation of an award shall make an order to v…
In order to be accepted, a request for arbitration shall contain the personal information of the claimant and the respondent, the specific claims and reliefs sought by the claimant, and the facts and grounds on which the claims and reliefs are based. In particular, when amounts or other digits are involved, they should …
If a hearing is to be held ininternational commercial arbitration, a notice of hearing will be served on thedisputing parties within the time period specified under the applicablearbitration rules, e.g., 20 days underthe arbitration rules of CIETAC, SHIAC, and SCIA, 10 days under the SCIAArbitration Rules, before the fi…
In international arbitration in China, the disputing parties may engage lawyers and/or other persons, whether of Chineseor foreign nationality, as their representatives in arbitration. Where a lawyeror other representative is engaged to participate in arbitration, a power ofattorney must be submitted to the arbitration …
China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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