Suspension of Enforcement

May 30, 2023

Suspension of Enforcement Where either party files a petition forenforcement of an award and the other party files a petition for vacation ofthe same award, the people's court that receives the petitions shall make anorder to suspend the enforcement. The people's court shall make an order tosuspend an enforcement action…

Settlement in Enforcement

May 25, 2023

Settlement in EnforcementWhere theparties reconcile with each other and reach a settlement agreement on their owninitiative in the course of an enforcement action, a written record of theterms of the agreement shall be made by the enforcement officers and signed orsealed by both parties.Where the partyseeking enforcemen…

Entrusted Enforcement

May 23, 2023

Entrusted Enforcement Where the party against whomenforcement is sought or the property to be enforced is in anotherjurisdiction, the enforcement court may request the local people's court inthat jurisdiction for enforcement. The people's court receiving a request forenforcement shall start to take an enforcement action…

Liability for Evading Obligations in Enforcement

May 22, 2023

Liability forEvading Obligations in Enforcement A party againstwhom enforcement is sought may be subject to civil or even criminal liabilitiesif he colludes with others in bad faith to evade his obligations under anylegal process in the process of arbitration or mediation. Such liabilities maybe a fine, detention, or ev…

Failure of Enforcement

May 20, 2023

Failure ofEnforcement Where apeople's court fails to complete the enforcement action within 6 months fromthe date of receipt of a petition for enforcement, the party seekingenforcement may file a petition with the people's court at the next higherlevel for enforcement. After review, the people's court at the next higher…

Challenge to an Enforcement Action

May 19, 2023

Challenge to an EnforcementAction Where a party to an enforcementprocedure or an interested party believes that an enforcement action theprovisions of the applicable law, they may file a written challenge with theenforcement court. Where either party to an enforcement procedure or aninterested party files a written chal…

Termination and Continuation of Enforcement

May 18, 2023

Termination and Continuation of Enforcement The people's court shall make an order to terminate an enforcementaction: (1) if the party seeking enforcement withdraws his petition; (2) if the arbitration award or consent award as the basis forenforcement is vacated; (3) if the individual against whom enforcement is sought…

Filing a Petition for Enforcement: Statute of Limitations

May 16, 2023

A petition for enforcing an award shall be filed within two years from thelast day of the performance period specified in the award, or thedate of expiration of the last installment in case of performance by installments, or the date of entry into force of the award in the absence of a performance period. The suspension…
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Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…

Steve Li

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…
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China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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