Collection of Evidence by the Tribunal Through Investigations

Apr 20, 2023

Where it deems it necessary, thearbitral tribunal may decide to collect evidence through investigations on itsown initiative or at the request of a disputing party. When the arbitral tribunal collectsevidence through investigations, it shall/may notify the disputing parties tobe present at the site where necessary. Eith…

Certification and Translation

Apr 07, 2023

If a party to an arbitration case in the PRC is a foreignindividual or entity without a domicile in the PRC, he must have his IDcertificate or business license, power of attorney, and other necessarycertificates and documents notarized by a notary office in the country wherethe he is located and authenticated by the emb…


Apr 20, 2023

Generally, the parties are barred from making statements which disagree with the facts or evidence that are admitted during the preparatory stage before the hearing. If such a statement is made, the party will be ordered to explain the reasons, and if necessary, to provide appropriate evidence. The disagreeing statement…

Certain Evidence May Not Be Used as the Sole Basis

Apr 20, 2023

The following evidence may not be used as the sole basis for ascertaining the facts of a case:(1) statements of the parties;(2) testimony of a person without capacity or with limited capacity for civil acts that is not commensurate with his age, intelligence, or mental conditions;(3) testimony of a witness who is an int…

Expert’s Opinion and Appraiser’s Report in Internationa Arbitration

Apr 25, 2023

The arbitral tribunal may consult anexpert on a fact in issue of the case that requires professional knowledge orexperience. Where it deems it necessary, an appraiser may be appointed toconduct an appraisal and submit an appraiser’s report.Either disputing party, or bothdisputing parties jointly, may submit a request f…

Scope of Arbitration - Equal Legal Status

May 03, 2023

Scope of Arbitration - Equal LegalStatus Arbitration only resolves disputesbetween parties of equal legal status, i.e., individuals, legal entities,and/or other organizations of equal legal status arising out of or inconnection with contracts or over property rights or interests (see Article 2, The Arbitration Law of th…

Can a railroad transport dispute be referred to arbitration?

Jan 06, 2024

The answer is positive.The PRC Arbitration Law excludes two typesof disputes from the jurisdiction of arbitration institutes, disputes over familyand marital relations and disputes that fall under the jurisdiction ofadministrative authorities. In addition, disputes between employers and employeesmust first be arbitrated…

Is a dispute over a partnership agreement arbitrable?

Dec 19, 2023

Is a dispute over a partnership agreement arbitrable?Yes. Provided that there must be a valid arbitrationagreement or arbitration clause pertaining to such partnership agreement.A dispute over a partnership agreement falls withinthe scope of arbitrable disputes stipulated in Article 2 of The Arbitration Law,i.e., “dis…
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Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…

Steve Li

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…
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China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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