After arequest for arbitration is accepted by the arbitration commission agreed uponby the disputing parties, the arbitration commission will establish an arbitraltribunal to hear the case and render an arbitration award. Arbitral tribunal isa temporary panel composed of a sole arbitrator or three arbitratorsestablished…
After an arbitral tribunal has beenestablished, the arbitration commission or secretariat will notify the partiesin writing of the composition of the arbitral tribunal in accordance with theapplicable arbitration rules.Each of the arbitrators selected bythe disputing parties or appointed by the chairman of the arbitrati…
Arbitratorsmay be professional arbitrators, registered lawyers, retired judges, or otherexperts. They must be impartial and upright and shall satisfy thequalifications set forth under TheArbitration Law. For the details about the qualifications of arbitrators,see Attachment 2, Article 13. Aninternational arbitration com…
If thedisputing parties agree that the arbitral tribunal is to be composed of a solearbitrator, they shall jointly select or request the chairman (or president) ofthe arbitration commission to appoint a sole arbitrator within the time periodspecified in the applicable arbitration rules.If thedisputing parties agree that…
Grounds for challenge and removal. In accordance with The Arbitration Law, an arbitrator shall be removed from the case, and either party may challenge an arbitrator, if the arbitrator:(1) is a party to the case or a close relative of either party or either party's representative;(2) has an interest in the case;(3) is o…
TheArbitration Law states that a challenge of anarbitrator shall be filed before the first hearing, or may be filed before theclosing of the last hearing if the reasons for challenge become known to thechallenging party after the first hearing. According to the arbitration rulesof CIETAC, SHIAC, SCIA, ZCIA (Zhuhai Court…
Where an arbitrator becomes unableto serve in accordance with the requirements of or within the timeperiod specified in the applicable arbitration rules due to removal,health condition, resignation, retirement, or other reasons, the chairman ofthe arbitration commission, at his sole discretion, shall decide whether tore…
Where a new arbitrator has beenselected or appointed for any reason, the arbitral tribunal may decide, at itssole discretion or by majority, whether and to whatextent the previous proceedings in the case will be repeatedat the request of either party or on its own initiative.If the arbitral tribunal decides to repeat al…
China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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