China International Arbitration Lawyers

Dec 29, 2022

Our China International Arbitration Lawyers consists of professional international lawyers who are registered and practicing in Shanghai, China. Each member of the team has rich experience in one or two specialized field…

Refer a dispute to arbitration without an arbitration agreement?

Feb 19, 2023

Q: What should adisputing party do if he intends to refer a dispute to arbitration but hasn’treached an arbitration agreement? A: The only option is toreach a written arbitration agreement with the other party before fi…

Can a parent company and its subsidiaries refer their disputes to arbitration?

Mar 06, 2023

The answer is dependent on the legal status of the subsidiary. Article 2 of the Arbitration Law of the People’s Republic of China states,"Disputes arising out of or in connection with contracts or over property righ…

What is the result if a party to an arbitration agreement dies or is terminated?

Apr 18, 2023

If a party to an arbitration agreement dies, in the case of an individual,after the conclusion of the arbitration agreement, the arbitration agreementshall be binding on the successor of the decedent’s heirs who succeed …

Service of Process on Nationals of Foreign Countries Residing in the PRC

Apr 05, 2023

If a foreign country has establisheddiplomatic relations with the PRC, a court of that country may serve legalprocesses on a national of that country residing in the PRC as follows: 1. Direct service. The embassy or a con…

Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (2)

Apr 15, 2023

Arbitration Rules of the ArbitrationInstitute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (2) (The following work was translated byRobert Zhang, an international lawyer registered in Shanghai. No entity orindividual may copy, re…

Judicial Assistance

Apr 18, 2023

a) International Treaties or Principle of Reciprocity The people's courts and foreigncourts may request assistance from each other in the service of legalinstruments, investigation, collection of evidence, and other legal…

Transfer of an Arbitration Agreement

Apr 18, 2023

If the rights and obligations of aparty to an arbitration agreement are transferred, whether in whole or in part,the arbitration agreement shall be binding on the transferee, unless otherwiseagreed by the parties to the a…
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Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…

Steve Li

An international arbitration lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degr…
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China International Arbitration Lawyers, membered by international lawyers and arbitrators experienced in international arbitration and litigation practising in Shanghai, authors of tens of published works.
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