The disputing parties may agree on the language in which the arbitration proceedings will be conducted. If they reach an agreement on the arbitration language, their agreement will prevail and be binding on the arbitration commission. In the absence of or in case of their failure to reach such an agreement, the arbitration proceedings will be conducted in the official language of the PRC.
If the arbitration commission or arbitral tribunal deems it necessary and appropriate, it may designate the language in which the arbitration proceedings will be conducted.
The disputing parties, their representatives or attorneys, witnesses, and other participants in arbitration may be accompanied by interpreters, and may request the arbitration commission to provide interpretation services at the cost of the requesting party.
The disputing parties may also be required to submit translated versions of documents and other evidence where necessary and appropriate. In practice, such translated versions are required to carry the official seal and/or special translation seal of a translation company. And the name of the company providing the translation services must have the word “translation”, and the special translation seal must display the name of the translation company in both Chinese and English.