of The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (2021) Regarding the Rights
and Obligations of Parents after Their Divorce
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Article 1084. The relationship between parents and their children shall not be terminated due to the divorce of parents. After parents' divorce, any child, whether directly raised by either parent, shall remain a child of both parents.
their divorce, parents shall remain entitled and obligated to raise, educate,
and protect their children.
their parents' divorce, any child who has not attained to the age of 2 years
shall, in principle, be directly raised by the mother. Where parents fail to
reach an agreement on the guardianship and maintenance of any minor child who
has not attained to the age of 2 years, the people's court shall render a
judgment in the best interests of the child, considering the status quo of both
parents. Respect shall be accorded to the true intention of any child who has
attained to the age of 8 years in determining their guardianship.
1085. Where a child is directly raised by either parent after their divorce,
the other parent shall pay all or part of the child maintenance. Divorced
parents shall reach an agreement on the amount and duration of child
maintenance, failing which the people's court shall render a judgment.
agreement or judgment specified in the preceding paragraph shall be without
prejudice to the child's reasonable claim, where necessary, from either parent
for an amount beyond the amount specified in the agreement or judgment.
1086. After their divorce, either parent who does not directly raise a child
shall have the right to visit the child, and the other parent shall provide
parents shall reach an agreement on how and when to exercise the right to visit
the child, failing which the people's court shall render a judgment.
the visit by either parent is physically or mentally harmful to the child, the
people's court shall suspend such parent's visit according to law, which shall
be resumed upon the termination of the cause for such suspension.